Browse Items (9 total)

A collection of colored stones, a Stitch keychain and a Reeces peanut butter cup wrapper in the shape of a rock.

Are they really? Things that are held on to that don’t serve a purpose in the present, but may be useful later on. The creator of this collection presents the idea that there is meaning in things left dormant.

Litter, discarded objects, forgotten items, and memories

Ingredients: Rock, acorn, black feather, small mustache pin, 25¢ quarter, black cable with wires, red plastic pin, flattened metal.

Items: Glitter, earring, money, Laker life, plastic gem, plastic wine-slushy cap, blender bottle shaker, shoulder pad

The creator of this piece valued their education and independence. Doesn’t believe in Valentine’s Day and questions societal norms within this jar by using shoe tags and coins to show that money is needed for many prestigious things in life.

Items of natural growth, remembrance, and question, personal articles of reminiscence and a penny for a little luck.

An enigmatic golf ball and praised die to that stand as instruments of sociability and friendship accompany a battle worn artifacts from world

All things in this collection were found by simply stumbling upon them. The poem was found by chance.
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