Browse Items (46 total)

All things in this collection were found by simply stumbling upon them. The poem was found by chance.

An enigmatic golf ball and praised die to that stand as instruments of sociability and friendship accompany a battle worn artifacts from world

Items of natural growth, remembrance, and question, personal articles of reminiscence and a penny for a little luck.

Found jewelry, a ticket from a raffle with an unknown winner, heirloom crystals, and a reluctantly added Juul pod

The creator of this piece valued their education and independence. Doesn’t believe in Valentine’s Day and questions societal norms within this jar by using shoe tags and coins to show that money is needed for many prestigious things in life.

This jar contains the basics of what a fall loving college athlete would need: fall plants (mostly fake), food wrappers for on the go snacking and sinus relief.

Scraps of organization, reasons why we need more time, a label from the thing that has kept them going, waste that serves as a reminder that someone has been there before them.

A collection of used to be items Thing that had a purpose to someone or something that have been separated from the thing that gave them meaning and the purpose they once served.

Transaction receipt from materials that will aid in future plans, temporary documentation of the then present rain, contacts that reminds them that some people see for free, and pictures that serve as a reminder of who needed and how they are loved.

Simple items collected from ordinary places that have unique characteristics.

A can tab and a bottle cap to remember good times. Comfort brought from the string a sorority sweatshirt and a friend’s earring and other reminders of a small life in vast world.

Items: Glitter, earring, money, Laker life, plastic gem, plastic wine-slushy cap, blender bottle shaker, shoulder pad

Materials collected in the path of the collector defined by the space they’re in. The items reflect the SUNY Oswego campus and what is expected, understood, questioned and prohibited become collected in the same environment

Most of the contents of the collection are small and difficult to identify at first, but hold a heavy meaning to their owner. The largest item, ironically, holds the least impact to the collection though it is itself dear to its owner.

Ingredients: Rock, acorn, black feather, small mustache pin, 25¢ quarter, black cable with wires, red plastic pin, flattened metal.

With the theme of small treasure in mind, this jar encompasses things that may be small in size but definitely not in impact, or magic.

Realistic Wundertopf: The paper Charade-A look into the Post Modern Reality.

Energy, natural growth than bonding materials. The creator of this collection questions what determines the properties of strength a material has, and why do they react when combined together.

Used to contain: gum wrapper, wine cork, dime, fast food receipt, and water. Now contains: Micky Mouse plush with a mistaken identity, working yet useless headphones, a stolen binder clip that evokes guilt and may never find its real owner.

These items were journaled for one reason and each have special meanings to said reasons. The meaning to one may not have the same meaning for another.

Litter, discarded objects, forgotten items, and memories

Are they really? Things that are held on to that don’t serve a purpose in the present, but may be useful later on. The creator of this collection presents the idea that there is meaning in things left dormant.

Mundane and wondrous experiences that power the wheels of time.

A collection of colored stones, a Stitch keychain and a Reeces peanut butter cup wrapper in the shape of a rock.

Specifications in the planning stage
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